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Annual Giving Campaign

Tick Tock thrives because of the generosity of our community. This campaign allows us to close the gap between Operating Revenue and Expenses, as well as provide valuable funds to be reinvested in the experiences of our students.


Local grants, charitable foundations, and generous friends will help ensure another 50+ years of quality child care and preschool for the children of working families ~ workers who contribute to our local economy while their children succeed in school. We value every gift to our Annual Fund. These Gifts allow Tick Tock to continue operating as the premier early childhood center in southern Chester County. We thank all our loyal supporters for keeping us smiling and growing year after year!

We encourage you to make a difference today and become a part of the Tick Tock family!

Donor Levels

THE HERO – Tuition for One Year

Donate one year of tuition for one child.
Price: $19,200.00


THE CHAMPION – Tuition for One Month

Donate one month of tuition for one child.
Price: $1,600.00

THE ADVOCATE – Tuition for One Week

Donate one week of tuition for one child.
Price: $370.00


THE NURTURER – One Week of Breakfast

Fund one week of breakfast for all students in our care.
Price: $250.00


Fund one STEM enrichment activity for all students in our care.
Price: $100.00

Custom Giving

Use PayPal to offer a custom level of support that's right for you.


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Tick Tock Early Learning Center respects your privacy. We will not sell or distribute your information to third-parties and only use it for the intended communication purposes. To be removed from any distributions please contact us at

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